There are a lot of reports in the news about IT security threats and the damage they have caused. This has put a larger focus on implementing firewalls and anti-virus systems to prevent hackers from afar getting into our systems.…
Why Antivirus Doesn’t Work and What to do About it
In a previous article, I talked about how cyber crime is continuing to get more sophisticated, and how the offenders are getting away with larger amounts. In this article, we’ll look at AntiVirus software why it’s not always effective and…
How to Prevent Online Hackers from Hijacking your Wires
Despite all the IT security systems out there, cybercrime is on the increase and cyber criminals are getting away with increasingly larger amounts of information and money. The number of breeches is concerning with larger and larger amounts of data…
4 Common IT Security Vulnerabilities You Should Know About
Small and medium-sized business leaders are often kept up at night by the same questions, like “is all my company data safe?” or “is there a potential loophole a hacker can exploit?” And since sophisticated malware and targeted threats are…
Ransomware: Don’t Get LOCKY’d Out
LOCKY made its debut a week ago, and impacted half a million users around the globe in a day. The numbers have escalated alarmingly since then as this latest crypto-ransomware, developed by the same dark minds behind Dridex banking malware,…
Laying in Your Security Foundation
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. In a year of breaches, each one seeming bigger than the last, maybe every month should be Cyber Security Awareness Month. Given the explosion of devices that connect to the Internet of Things, and…
Helping Those Who Help Others: Security for Non-Profits
After the massive breaches and attacks of last year, everyone has become far more aware of their vulnerability to being hacked. Security has taken on new meaning as people start putting defensive measures in place. Yet for many, especially those…
Security: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back
Security breaches, mass DDoS attacks, ransomware mutations. No question about it – the challenges to information security are constant and ever-changing. Over the past twelve months, InfoSec has had to deal with threats not only of a greater magnitude in…